Withdraw - определение. Что такое Withdraw
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Что (кто) такое Withdraw - определение

Withdraw; Withdrawl; Withrawal; Whitdrawal; Withdrawn; Withdrawal (disambiguation); Withdrawals

v. (D; intr., tr.) to withdraw from; to (our troops have withdrawn from the border area; to withdraw money from a bank; to withdraw to a safer area)
I. v. a.
Remove, subduct, subduce, subtract, take away, draw out, draw back.
Wean, disengage, draw off.
Retract, recall, recant, disavow, revoke, abjure, take back.
II. v. n.
Retire, retreat, secede, depart, decamp, go away, be off, go off.
¦ verb (past withdrew; past participle withdrawn)
1. remove or take away.
take (money) out of an account.
2. leave or cause to leave a place or situation.
cease to participate in an activity or be a member of a team or organization.
prevent from participating in an activity.
3. take back; discontinue or retract: she withdrew her allegations.
4. depart to another place in search of quiet or privacy.
retreat from social contact.
5. cease to take an addictive drug.
ME: from the prefix with- 'away' + draw.



Withdrawal means "an act of taking out" and may refer to:

  • Anchoresis (withdrawal from the world for religious or ethical reasons)
  • Coitus interruptus (the withdrawal method)
  • Drug withdrawal
  • Social withdrawal
  • Taking of money from a bank
  • Water withdrawal
  • Withdrawal (military)
  • Withdrawal reflex
  • Withdrawal, Twista/Do or Die EP
  • "Withdrawals" (Tyler Farr song)
Примеры произношения для Withdraw
1. withdraw from that.
The Viral Video Manifesto _ Stephen Voltz & Fritz Grobe _ Talks at Google
2. We have to withdraw.
The Brothers _ Stephen Kinzer _ Talks at Google
3. Or I would withdraw.
Joy on Demand _ Chade Meng Tan _ Talks at Google
4. withdraw your investments.
Austerity - The History of a Dangerous Idea _ Mark Blyth _ Talks at Google
5. They withdraw the advertising.
Backstabbing for Beginners _ Michael Soussan _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Withdraw
1. Withdraw responsibility from communities and you withdraw authority.
2. "How many troops will she withdraw, and when will she withdraw them?
3. "When they decide to withdraw the clip, we will withdraw the ban," he said.
4. Government‘s position, should the new elected government asked for U.S. troops to withdraw, will the U.S. troops withdraw?
5. "Israeli strategy is now moving towards the proposition that, if you have to withdraw, then you must withdraw.